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How to Prayer To ?-The Living God who listen your All Request from your heart.

Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ our High Priest, I come before Your throne today, and I speak this blessing: May the Lord bless you and keep you; and may the Lord make His face to shine upon you; may the Lord be gracious unto you and lift up His countenance upon you; and may the Lord give you His peace. Lord God, I ask You in the Name above every name that You open the windows of heaven and pour out divine provision upon every one of Your children. I speak and release health and healing to every physical body. I come against every form of infirmity; I come against every form of sickness and disease; I come against every physical malady in the name of Jesus Christ, and I declare that these sicknesses and diseases are cursed at the root and that the blessing of divine health freely flows into their lives like streams of living water. Lord, I speak peace to every life that is in torment, for Your name is Jehovah Shalom, the Lord our Peace. I give You praise, Father, that the enemy has been defeated and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding has now healed every broken heart. Every sorrow is being lifted right now; every burden and yoke is being destroyed by Your mighty right hand. O Lord our God, You are our Joy in the morning. You, O Lord, are our Strength, our High Tower, our Shield and our Buckler, a shelter in the time of storm. You are our Song; You are our Righteousness; You are our Shepherd, our Great Physician, and the Giver of life. We magnify Your Holy Name. Let the power of this Prophetic Blessing rest upon you and in you, and may it be imparted by you as you proclaim the Word of God in the authority of Jesus’ Name.


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