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Jesus Sufferings

The following are the informations published by the Research Scholars of OXFORD University....
1. CROSS :
      Weight = 150 kg
       Length =   15 feet
      Breadth =     8 feet
2. NAILS :
     Thickness =  3/4 inch
      Length      =   8 inch
3. JESUS :
      Height  =  5 '  11 inch
      Weight  =  85 kgs
Information on Jesus's Sufferings....
JESUS stumbled and fell to the ground 3 times while carrying HIS cross to Golgotha...
JESUS was very thirsty and HE suffered for 17 hours longing for water...
There were 5480 wounds all over in JESUS BODY....
There were 150 DEEP WOUNDS on HIS Back alone....
17 Thorns pierced JESUS HEAD...
JESUS shed 6 . 5 litres of blood....
350 Soldiers and 50 Horsemen dragged JESUS whipping, beating on the streets of Jerusalem...
According to JEW's Calendar...
Ak Aboorve Konjeetha 785 ,  Nisaan  15...
According to our Calendar JESUS DIED on April 7,  BC 30...
The meaning of the Latin Word written on the cross INRI..
R  -  REXO
Means... JESUS the Nazarene the KING of JEWS..
LUKE a Doctor, certified the DEATH OF JESUS.
If you feel the pain of JESUS CHRIST.
Comments please.


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