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God's msg | god's message for you | god's message for me right now |god's message today| gods message quotes| god's messenger

God's msg | god's message for you | god's message for me right now |god's message today| gods message quotes| god's messenger

Gods messsage :

*  Do you know that in Christ, you have peace with God? (see Rom 5:1).
Jesus' finished work on the cross has cleansed you from all your sins (see Heb 10:10, 12).
Be assured that God loves you and has already forgiven you

*  Do you know that God hears every prayer you have today?
He will never withdraw his attention and His unfailing love from you (see Ps 66:19–20), and He knows all the cares that you hold in your heart. Rest, knowing that His heart of compassion still beats for you today

*  God's msg:
"Whenever you are in a position to help someone, just do it & be glad.
Bcoz God is answering someone's prayers through you".
Expect God's favor, health, provision and peace to be upon you today!
God has made you an heir to His inheritance through Christ (see Gal 4:7). Through His Son's finished work, you get to enjoy ALL the blessings of God

*  Feeling troubled?
God's Word says that our Lord Jesus is gracious and FULL of compassion (Ps 111:4). See His willingness to help you and deliver you from every trouble. Find your worries melting in the greatness of His love and grace toward you

*  God wants to pour out the exceeding riches of His grace toward you.
Be conscious of God's great love for you today and know that you have a constant supply of His grace! (see Eph 2:7).


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